Stacie Billis

About Stacie Billis

Stacie Billis is the food writer and cookbook author behind the award-winning blog, One Hungry Mama, where she serves up original family-friendly recipes and tips for managing life as the family cook. (Wine is involved.) Stacie is also Managing Editor of Cool Mom Eats from the publishers of Cool Mom Picks, the only dedicated food site that shares recipes, tips, and food finds curated specifically for the family cook. Because, let’s be honest, when you cook with kids pulling at your apron strings (and eat with them melting down at the table, because oh-the-horror that is broccoli), you have a unique set of concerns in the kitchen.

Stacie’s common sense approach stems from her Masters in child development, as well as her experience developing an organic family food brand, but her popularity might have more to do with her cheesy sense of humor and non-judgy approach. She’s also brutally honest: Just because she’s a killer cook and an all-natural advocate doesn’t mean that you won’t find her professing her love of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and developing more donut recipes than is reasonable.

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